Registering for a business number in New Zealand

Don’t you love it when tasks are done for you without you lifting a finger? If you registered your business as a company, you’ll automatically be issued with a New Zealand Business Number. However, if you’re a sole trader or a partnership you’ll need to apply for your New Zealand Business Number. You can apply through Afirmo, so while it might not be done for you automatically, we make it easy.

What is the New Zealand Business Number?

The New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) is a unique identifier for your business that makes it quick and easy for your customers, suppliers and partners to find the information they need to work with you. This includes your core business information, things like your business name and contact details. When you get your NZBN your business becomes part of a single searchable register for Kiwi businesses, which means rather than having to share your information each and every time, you can just quote your NZBN.

Do you need to apply for your NZBN?

When you register your company with the Companies Office you’ll automatically be issued a NZBN. If you’re a sole trader or a partnership you’re eligible to apply for a NZBN. Afirmo can help you get set up.

What information do you need to get your NZBN?

There are a few documents you’ll need before you apply for your NZBN New Zealand Business Number. These include:

  1. The IRD number used by the business

    If you’re a sole trader this will be your personal IRD number. This is used to confirm that you are an existing business and to check you haven’t already been allocated a NZBN.

  2. Proof of your identity

    This could be your New Zealand drivers’ licence or passport, or if you don’t have either of those you could use your New Zealand birth certificate, New Zealand citizenship certificate or an overseas passport.

  3. Proof of partnership

    If it’s relevant to your business structure, this is either a copy of the partnership agreement or minutes from a partnership meeting. If you don’t have either of those a letter to the NZBN Registrar will be acceptable. You’ll also need to provide the full names of any partners, the date they were appointed a partner and a copy of their identity documents.

  4. RealMe login and a My NZBN account.

    Your account used to access government services.

How long does the NZBN application take?

If you use a New Zealand drivers’ licence or passport as your proof of identity, most NZBN applications will be processed instantly. If you don’t have either of these or you’re applying for a partnership, applications will take a little longer to be processed, but no more than three working days.

Afirmo helps small business owners step through the process of company registration and other admin required for business set up.

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